A Fashion Show on the Downtown Mall featuring local Charlottesville boutiques. With a focus on timeless and sustainable fashion, this event will showcase Downtown Mall boutiques. Locals will model the best of Downtown Cville with a variety of inspired looks and styles. A fun fashion experience for Charlottesville’s diverse and eclectic community.
Hosted by Agents In Style
Featuring looks from:Agents In Style Boutique
Neon Soul
Darling X Dashing
Mac and Mae
Ma Nah Ma Nah
The 3rd Annual Downtown Mall Block Party is brought to you by these CoHosts: The City of Charlottesville, Virginia Tourism, Friends of Downtown, RL Beyer Custom Homes, and Ludwig Kuttner and also with support from Woodard Properties*********
If you plan to attend only free events at Tom Tom and would still like to build your schedule here on Sched, please go to Eventbrite and select the free ticket labeled “Create Your Personal Schedule”. Once you complete the ticketing process, you’ll receive an email from Sched prompting you to create an account and then build your schedule.