Thursday March 20, 2025 10:00am - 3:00pm EDT
Join us at the burial ground to honor and celebrate the green burial movement and to celebrate this place we call Earth! We have a day full of experiences planned, in collaboration with green burial experts and local land stewards and naturalists. Join us for a tour of the burial ground and to have all your questions about natural burial answered.  Learn more than you ever thought possible about local tree life with the Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards. Interested in the secret lives of grasses? Piedmont Environmental Council will steward your knowledge of local grasses and grassland rehabilitation in and amongst the fields of Panorama Farm. Curious about plants native to our area and ways to restore their populations to improve the health of our local ecosystem? Center for Urban Habitats will be on-hand to answer your every question and introduce you to the native species we have growing right here on the farm. There will be guided hikes, a scavenger hunt for kids, snacks, and information galore. Join us in celebration and communion as we connect with this land, with those who devote themselves to tending to it, and with each other. Together we will honor life in all its mysteries and complexities!

This event will run from 10:00am - 3:00pm. An early morning Bird Walk Pre-Event with Piedmont Virginia Bird Club will open the day from 7:00am - 10:00am.

Second Annual Open House Schedule:
10:00am - 11:00am - Grassland Tour with Lauria McShane, Piedmont Environmental Council
11:00am - 12:00pm - Native Plant Walk with Drew Chaney, Center for Urban Habitats
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Tour of the Burial Ground with Stephanie Bonney and Liz Reynolds, Panorama Natural Burial
1:00pm - 2:00pm - Tour of the Tree Blossoms with Emily Ferguson, Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards
2:00pm - 3:00pm - Guided Walk around the Farm with Chris Murray, Panorama Natural Burial


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avatar for Stephanie Bonney

Stephanie Bonney

General Manager, Panorama Natural Burial
Stephanie Bonney was born and raised in New England. She has a degree in psychology from Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Having always had an interest in deathcare, Stephanie went back to school briefly for mortuary science and apprenticed at a funeral home in Vermont... Read More →
avatar for Drew Chaney

Drew Chaney

Ecological Assessment Field Technician, Center for Urban Habitats
Drew has been an apprentice and employee at CUH since 2015. He is experienced with plant community survey methods and is extremely knowledgeable about the flora, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies of the Piedmont. His skills contribute greatly to CUH’s ability to accomplish... Read More →
avatar for Emily Ferguson

Emily Ferguson

Tree Steward, Charlottesville Area Tree Steward
Emily Ferguson’s fascination with trees started when she was young. Her focus on the variety of trees found in Virginia happened while living in the Central Blue Ridge Mountains outside of Charlottesville. After receiving her Masters in Botany, Emily began to teach tree identification... Read More →
avatar for Christopher Murray

Christopher Murray

Founding Director, Panorama Natural Burial
Rarely does one stumble on work that feeds body, mind, and spirit. Christopher Murray has been incredibly fortunate that Panorama Natural Burial has become one of those vocations.  Having buried three family members at the 200-year-old cemetery on Panorama Farms, he saw how leveraging... Read More →
avatar for Dave Thornton

Dave Thornton

Beekeeper, Muse Honey Bees, Soul Soleil Farm
Dave and his wife Leigh became the new owners of a century-old farmhouse on a former peach orchard and tobacco farm in 2016. They decided to try their hand at growing lavender and it was a huge success. They created an enterprise out of products made from their lavender harvests... Read More →
avatar for Panorama Natural Burial

Panorama Natural Burial

Panorama Natural Burial is a family-owned green cemetery located on Panorama Farms, just north of Charlottesville. At Panorama, bodies return to the earth in a natural state, on open land where loved ones can go to reflect and remember.
Thursday March 20, 2025 10:00am - 3:00pm EDT
Panorama Natural Burial

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