If you have never been in your local jail, now is the time. This tour, led by Col Martin Kumer, superintendent of the jail, will offer a glimpse at conditions in the jail. The Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail was built in 1974 and currently houses about 230 people who are awaiting trial or serving sentences not long enough for a larger prison. This eye opening tour and discussion of mental health, rehabilitation, and re-entry will help local residents aiming to increase empathy and understanding for those returning to society.
Following the tour, Central Virginia Community Justice will facilitate a reflection on the experience, and an introduction to how CVCJ is offering restorative justice as an alternative to incarceration.
There will be three sessions:
- Jail Tour #1 - 9:30am w. Reflection 10:30am
- Jail Tour #2 - 12:30pm w. Reflection 1:30pm
- Jail Tour #3 - 3:00pm w. Reflection 4:00pm
If you desire to register for the Jail Tour, Please Reach out Directly to Sam Heath (samh@ejusa.org). Each jail tour is limited to 8 participants.